Things I learned about being a Pedala bike messenger:
1. Having a messenger bag is cool, but always prepare for cases where the package you're delivering won't fit. It helps to bring a small, foldable drawstring sack (thanks, Nature Valley) so at least you can sling it around your back, even when wearing the messenger bag. And when not in use, you can always stuff it in the messenger bag.
2. Have the luxury of using different bikes. By the end of the day of deliveries, you'll be cursing your bike because it's too uncomfortable, too slow, too heavy, too small, too big, any of the above. You'll always find something to complain about and might not want to ride the next day. Having the luxury of using another bike the next day adds variety to your workout and
3. Bring a ballpen.
4. Wear clothes with pockets in them-- to carry your extra change, bike lock key, ballpen, mp3 player, etc.
5. Waterproof your stuff. Might not rain, but the sweat on your back is almost equivalent to rain. The last thing you want are your clients receiving sweaty deliveries. Ew!
6. Use a citiatlas-- works wonders. But don't be afraid to ask for directions from anywhere you can find. tricycle drivers offer the most valuable information, as they can give you the ins and outs of a particular location, especially if inside villages.
7. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! In case you haven't noticed, it's hot in Manila.
8. Always be polite and courteous. A smile on your face even when you're dead tired goes a long way. Plus your deliveries never just end with deliveries. People always want to know more about you.
9. Bring an extra shirt. Or towel. Or both.
10. Brace yourself for Manila's streets: pollution, crazy drivers, crazy cars, crazy animals, crazy streets, crazy pedestrians. It's crazy here in Manila.