Oct. 21. Got the bike from Peng and Dinds' residence. Fiddled around with the seat a bit, found a bike shop and had the chain and crankset oiled, had a bit of a bother figuring out the gears, then finally set out to the Fort to show Raech Bluey.

Oct. 24. First bikeout to La Mesa Dam with Raech, Jojo, Jojo's cousin, Jay, Cess, Kerwin + Ria and Ed + Aicah. 20km of awesome trails and awesome views. It took us about 4 hours to do those trails, so I'm seriously doubting the distance that we did. Insane downhill rush.
This is us. Who knew this existed an hour away from Manila.
Nov. 1. Ed, Raech and I took advantage of the holiday to go up Timberland. We did the Wall, then trail ran Shotgun.

Refreshing trail run at Shotgun with Raech.
Nov. 7. And the reason why I was so excited to get a mountain bike ASAP: Xterra's Off-road Duathlon, aptly dubbed Putik Pare! Raech and I joined for the sole purpose of having fun. We were the one of the few all-female teams there, and probably the only female team who finished in such high spirits. We didn't place obviously, but I can't remember the last time I had that much fun.
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