Friday, April 10, 2015

SHEroes Behind the Scenes

March 2015. I received a message the other day from Charley, a good friend of mine, asking if Pen and I were available for a shoot on women on bicycles for Rappler. So on a Saturday afternoon, I sat on the steps of Vargas Museum with Mia, Tina, Nitya, Julia, Charley and Pen. As it usually goes with people with similar interests, we fell into easy conversation talking about what we loved the most: bicycles.

We know that people like this exist: women who brave the streets of Metro Manila everyday to get to the office or school or for leisurely pursuits, despite the obvious challenges and risks. We knew that there were other women who are as passionate about bicycles as you are. But outside of our little group of friends, we've never talked about cycling in the city. We introduced ourselves, how we got into biking, why we do it, the risks and challenges of cycling in the city. When you do something so often, you forget that what you're doing is something special. That day was a much-needed reminder.

The afternoon was getting late, still we kept talking.

Lei, Pen, Tina, Julia, Nitya, Mia. Photo c/o Charley
This was part of Rappler's feature on #SHEroes for International Women's Month. The article can be found here. You can check out our video here:

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