Monday, August 24, 2015

Sunday Smoke

My laptop is a canvas of oily fingerprints, bread and cookie crumbs and coffee stains. It's disgusting really.

My mind and body are struggling to find the balance between coming from a place of familiarity and a place where everything is new and challenging.

I try to exercise. I still bike commute. I now cook and clean and do the groceries on my own. I worry about things like health care and rent and student budgets.

I try not to think of my peers back home-- their stable careers, loving relationships and little families. It's a life I want, just not now.

I think about the steps that led me here, how three years ago, I told myself I was going to get a PhD. And so here I am. How I traded a life of comfort and security for one of uncertainty.

It will all work out in the end, I tell myself. And so others tell me too.

Today, the fires from Washington brought tons of smoke to the BC area. The smell of smoke would cling to your clothing and skin. So I spent most of today indoors. And I made a pretty sweet carrot loaf.